The 100 Day Challenge, Day 80:
One thing I have learned in the past week is what doesn’t work well- that is in the case of writing a 100 day blogging challenge everyday while on vacation with my family! I decided to let it go altogether after a couple of days of getting back on track. Ultimately, just focusing on having fun with my family won out, and I feel good about that. Especially since we have just now arrived back at home and the busyness of our everyday life is already taking on momentum. The dogs need walks and feeding and extra love, the unpacking and laundry need to be done, organizing for the coming week, cleaning out the rotten food from the fridge and grocery shopping are all in full swing.
Vacation should be vacation. When you take time to be with your loved ones, really be with them- life will always be waiting back at home. We have three more years before our daughter goes off to college, and our family vacation will be changed forever. I don’t want to miss this precious free time without day to day responsibilities to really connect and have fun with my kids.
We had a great vacation visiting Grandma, walking the beach, discovering beautiful shells, eating Cold Stone ice cream, dancing to a favorite DJ, swimming, reading and relaxing.
Those memories will fuel us for quite a while as we get back to the reality of everyday life at home. It truly always nice to take a break, but just as nice to be back at home again, too.