What are you doing, and why are you doing it?

Why do we do things we know are not good for us, even when presented with research about how it is hurting us? This question got me going this week. And it could be anything. For that matter, it might even just be something that you know is not serving you- no research, just knowing. … Continued

The truth and responsibility.

This is part two, unofficially, about responsibility. Last week I wrote about not taking responsibility where it is not yours to take and this week I am all about the other side. To be good humans we must learn to take responsibility for ourselves- keeping our promises, admitting our shortcoming and wrongs when we get … Continued

Is it your responsibility?

I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I see people who remind me of myself everywhere. Taking responsibility for what is not theirs to take. I will admit to getting better at this, as I have been aware and working on this for a long time, but old habits die hard. When you … Continued

Three ways to creating good fortune.

I believe that you can receive good fortune, sometimes it even seems unwarranted- like it came out of nowhere. I have written often about co-creating with a higher power, energy, the universe. They key is that you must always play your part by taking consistent action. I was reading an email I received this week … Continued

The Art of the Good Life

One of the most important determinants of a good, beautiful life is how you think about things. Does your view, the focus of your thoughts, the quality of your thoughts enhance your life, or subtract from it? If we think something that happens is “bad”, it is. If we consider that it could be “good” … Continued

Starting over, or not. Be resolute.

This time of year brings up a lot of conflicting feelings. I honor what yours are, and you also always have to the opportunity to consider something other than what you think. Like, you can change your mind. Resolutions. Many people love to hate the work and what they believe it means. To be resolute … Continued