If you have been following my blog for a year or more, you will know that at this time of year I always start thinking about back to school!  Even though I have been an adult for many, many years, and officially out of school for most of those, I still get hit at about mid August with the back to school energy, excitement and all that comes along with it.  From deciding what my style will be for the next school year, to anticipating seeing friends, to new studies and activities- I always loved it all.

This year I am thinking about it a little differently as I send my oldest off to school.  I have to tell you, I am using all of my best coaching skills on myself right now to keep centered, calm and in a good place about this huge change in my life.  She and I do so much together, and as much as I know how great this next step is for her, I am already mourning the loss of a way of life that will never be true again.  I am looking at embracing the good that will come out of this next phase, and imagining all of the different things we will now be doing together.  I am imagining our relationship strengthening in new ways that were not possible before.  These are the kinds of things I have to keep focused on in order to keep myself in a good place.  That said, if you see my driving along or on the street with tears in my eyes you will know why!  Wavering between know all of this is great and mourning what is being left behind is a tricky place to be!

So while she is going off to school, I will once again turn to my personal spirit of “back to school”.  Another positive thing to focus on.  I have had so much fun with this concept and designing my own back to school plan over the past several years that last year I developed a well received workshop around it.  This year I am bringing it to everyone with a cool three part tele class.  I am very excited to share this with everyone, my kindred spirits.

-What would you like to learn this fall?  Or what have you been putting off learning that will greatly enhance your work or some area of your life?

-What activities would you like to do?

-What do you still want to accomplish before year end?

-What’s your style, what “gym” class are you taking, who and what are you bringing to “back to school” 2013?  How will you show up- mentally, physically, spiritually?

These are just a few of the questions and ideas we will explore together!  And it will be FUN!

If you’ve always had that back to school itching, you will love this.  Especially if you have or have had big changes in your life, like I am doing, this program will be great for you to re-focus and get grounded, as well as to excite and ignite yourself!

To receive the info/flyer on this and the other fabulous programs I am running starting mid September make sure to sign up for my newsletter at www.youryearoftransformation.com.


Enjoy the last little bits of summer in the best way you know how, build up some great energy and look forward to putting it all to great use in just a few weeks!