The 100 Day Challenge, Day 61:

Everyone has a time or two in their lives where their confidence gets a little off track.  A little shaken up.

What causes this?  It is different for everyone, but can include things like:

Ending or starting a new job.  Certainly being fired or downsized can do it.

Moving to a new area or home.

Splitting up with a loved one.

Losing a loved one.

Failing at a project.

Being rejected.

Losing your savings.

Being embarrassed.

We don’t get the promotion.

I am sure the list could go on for quite a while, and I don’t want to keep you all day, so insert your own reasons with my partial list.  One thing is for sure, we have all been there.  It’s pretty easy to see how it happens.

Being confident does not mean you are being boastful, it just means that you are believing in yourself, your goodness, your skills and talents.  If you lose your confidence for any reason there are some things you can do to bounce back.  Mind you, you may not feel like it or, feel it that these things are of good use- just know that going in.  If you have lost confidence you will talk yourself out of doing all kinds of things that would be good for you.  You may have to actually FORCE yourself to talk action, at least to start with.

Actions I can take to regain my lost confidence: (again a basic and partial list, so please feel free to add your comments about what has worked for you!)

1.  Make a list of all of my strengths, skills and talents.  Start to read through this list several times per day.

2.  Go volunteer to help someone else who needs help more than I do.

3.  Enlist the help of a qualified friend or a coach to help you to strategize and to remind you of your worth and value.

4.  Make a list of all of the things you have done in the past that you never thought you could do.  Written proof that you are amazing.

5.  Spend time with people who are doing what you want to do.  Surround yourself with positive and supportive people and keep away from people who put you down and make you feel bad.  These are the “you can’t do it or why bother? people”.

6.  Work on your energy and just plain feeling good.  This is the crucial foundation to getting your confidence on track or strengthening it.  Body-Mind-Spirit

7.  Spend time daily in prayer and meditation.  Keep in close contact with your Higher Power.  I know when I started my own coaching business, my relationship with God is the #1 thing that kept me going and believing in myself AND most importantly, kept me out of major worry and anxiety!

8.  Start to speak positively and keep your word.

9.  Start with one positive move.  It always leads to more.

10.  Start keeping a gratitude journal and stay focused on all of the good things in your life.


I guarantee if you are willing to do these things whole heartedly you will see the return of your confidence happening right away!  Give it a try!