Coming off from Winter in Vermont, I am a mush of feelings and activity- a feeling of freedom and space, along with so much possibility and no lack of ideas for filling the space.

Which I know is a perfect time to actually take a step back and take a deep breath- or two! It can be tempting to just jump into the fray and take off running. My meditation practice has helped me to develop a habit of mindfulness- and has shown me the power of a good and thoughtful foundation in pursuit of creating the life I want to live.

Life spring cleaning is like looking into all of the corners of life to air them out, to discard things and to see where the space is. To thoughtfully decide how to fill it, or not.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you will recognize these themes are not new. They have, bit by bit, evolved for me, as I become for authentically myself at my core- year by year, moving forward. There are few aspects to this spring cleaning and this is what it means to me this year.

Physically: Looking around your various spaces – your home, your office, your car. How uplifting are they? What can you get rid of or put away? Lightening up your spaces by removing clutter and unneeded items will immediately give you back some energy. If you are fearful of throwing things out (attachment), get a big box or two and put things in the boxes and then put the boxes away- you can get things if you need to, but give yourself the experience of feeling the space you can create.

Your schedule: First of all, do you have one, and if not, seriously consider this your first task. Hit the search button and look at my posts regarding having a schedule. Organizing the time in your life is a sure way to make sure you create a life you love, a business you love. Following the schedule will make it materialize. You need to seriously consider what activities you are allowing to take the time of your life, and ask yourself if they are leading you to where you want to go. Not every activity we have to do is filled with joy- hmmm, or can it be?- but there is plenty of space to fill with the things that do- those things that help you to get through the others in a more joyful way. Consider that you have a lot more choice in how much of your life you enjoy than you are taking ownership of. I am a very busy person, my clients are very busy people- tough love here- I know you can do it, too.

Your people: We have all heard this- spend time with people who support you and who uplift you- of course do this as much as possible! Seek out the people you want to be with, who fill you, rather than deplete you. If depleting people are loved ones, then you don’t always have a good way to let them go from your life, and you may not want to, but you will need to have a way of setting boundaries and limiting your exposure to them. And to learn not to intentionally – as I like to say- put your head into the lions mouth. Continue to have gratitude for these people, though- they offer lessons that are valuable for you.

Your goals: Are your goals and dreams handwritten? What happened in the first quarter of this year? What went well, what not so well? What will you do differently moving forward, and specifically what are your goals for April? Break them down into specific areas of your life. Just a few small steps in each area, or maybe intentionally some big steps in one or two areas while being mindful of the other areas and maintaining what is best for you in those areas. Writing your goals may seem old fashioned, but it is a tried and true method. Looking at them everyday and scheduling in the steps AND following through is what gets you the success.

All sound like too much? Well I like this question: Am I living my life by default, hoping things will happen the way I want them to? Or am I designing my life and living it on purpose? Does it take hard work? Of course! Does that mean it’s no fun? Of course not!

Living a life of regret, lack of energy, resignation- now that is no fun. And you deserve better than that. Your life is important and you deserve joy. And you hold the key- no one is going to come and hand it to you- you have to get it one step at a time. No one CAN hand it to you, even if they wanted to, it is not possible.

What step will you start with today? If you want to listen to me talking about this subject you can find it here.