Exit Your Comfort Zone

One of my big initiatives this year is to get out of my comfort zone. Trying new things, doing things that I have wanted to do, but didn’t dare. Looking to get out of my comfort zone causes me to think big and prompts me to get past fear. I am talking a big subject … Continued

Start with a Baseline of Feeling Good!

One of the things I am talking with clients about right now is coming up with their list of 3-5 things that they will do each day in 2020 that make them feel good.  When we feel good we are in a position to make the most of our efforts, to get the results we … Continued

Are Your Habits On Your Side?

Where you are in your life today and the level of satisfaction and contentment you feel about that, are the sum total of your daily habits, including the habits of what and how you think and what you speak out loud. What daily habits do you have that support you and help you to live … Continued