The Goodness in Travel Troubles

This past weekend I was fortunate to be going on a trip to our first Family Weekend at my son’s new college near Richmond, Virginia. First of all, Richmond and I have a terrible history. My worst travel experience ever happened while trying to get home from a business trip in Richmond many years ago. … Continued

Losing things

Don Miguel Ruiz said “letting go is not about losing– it’s about trusting. When we release what life has taken away, we create space for the new experiences, growth and blessings to enter.” He is talking about anything we lose– people, things, pets, places….. As we move forward into the last parts of this year, … Continued

I am always excited!

I know that sounds like a bit much- but it is actually true. I just learned that feeling happy is linked to feeling excited!  This isn’t altogether surprising as one of my favorite positive psychology notes is that excitement and fear share the same physiology in the body- it is the meaning that your mind … Continued

What’s important, what’s true?

This post is a little bit of a review, if you’ve been following along with me for a while. I notice I circle back to common themes over and over again throughout the years. I want to share with you some of the things I am thinking about right now as I consider how I … Continued

There’s something to be said for relief!

Think about it- you worry for a long time about an outcome of something and you get good news. You run a race and finish. You have a difficult conversation and then it is over, you finish a project or anything that has been “hanging over your head”. Maybe you had a sore toe and … Continued

Not Every Thought is Valuable

This from Yung Pueblo and his latest book The Way Forward. “saying less is incredibly helpful not every thought is valuable, not every feeling needs to be voiced what is often best is to slow down and spend time developing a clearer and more informed perspective ego rushes and reacts, but peace moves purposefully and … Continued

Silence, overusing effort and setting up for happiness.

This post is a download for a lot of thoughts I have accumulated over the past month! I spent the month of August on my yearly sabbatical where I spend a lot of time just being. I did have some work days, but did better about being more in thinking a creating mode and saying … Continued

What were you expecting?

This year has been full of expectations for me- this past week I really got a handle of how having expectations has helped me and hurt me. Both are normal, but with acceptance, and many times holding any expectations loosely- I can be a lot happier and satisfied! It can be little things– I went … Continued

Out with the old, and rearranging things!

This week a big thing is happening- our daughter’s childhood bed and desk are going off to a new home. It is bittersweet. Out with the old- and a new bed and a dresser are coming into the space. Fresh and new. A lot got cleaned out in the process, reminding me to notice what … Continued

Make a little more effort.

Making an effort is good for us. If we are doing it for the right reasons, say for the sake of making an effort, there will probably never be a downside. I am an advocate for taking breaks and having plenty of rests, however, there are many times where we might be able to expect … Continued