As we begin to wrap up 2024, I am doing a lot of reflecting on how my words of the year played out for me. Not just how they played out, but also how I played them out!

I was looking at a recent Instagram post by Positively Present (follow them and also see the post I am referring to in this week’s newsletter- sign up at

The post was called December To-Do List and it included these to-do’s, along with very cute little drawings:

-Hang up old mindsets

-Rejoice in progress

-Find moments of comfort

-Wrap up loose ends

-Trust yourself

-Accept your imperfections

-Focus on having fun

-Spruce up your home

-Create a sense of peace

-Share what you have

-Shake up your routine

-Prepare for a fresh start

Reading these, I started to get excited and I immediately thought of my word for this year- powerful/power. This power I am working with is self/personal power. This list, to me. was a list of all things I and you have the power to take action on. I have learned this year that to truly have personal power, to be self powerful, we need to point in the direction of things that we can control. If you want to feel powerful, start with what you can control.

For instance, a situation might be out of your control, but how you act, react, say, think about it- all within your control. The list about are all good to-do’s- the HOW is important. How will you do those things- only you have the right answer for you. They are all doable and within your power to impact.

What would you add to this list, following along with the idea that December can be your best month so far this year?

I have noticed that the things I did this year that made me feel self powerful and allowed me to feel personally powerful were mostly centered around using my emotions effectively and then making the best decision on how I wanted to take action. There was a good bit of belief, hope and trust involved. Believing the best was possible and that things would work out for the best, I acted accordingly. By being in powerful mode I was more positive, took more risks and learned a lot in the process.

Overall, I have seen that I am capable of much more than I thought I was.

Where is your self power, your personal power, on a scale from 1-10? What would make it a 10? (one of my favorite questions, by the way!) What is the first thing you will do to move it toward the 10?

This week, look at each to-do above and ask yourself how and what you are willing to do. Notice the times you are powerful and times that you are not. Notice the times when you are just playing a role you have played forever. Notice when your words are telling you you are a victim. How can you be more powerful? Who can help you? Remember, a little bit goes a long way.

A word on overuse- the overuse of feeling, expressing, being powerful is hurtful to others, not enjoyable to you, it is forcing, pushing- that is not what we are looking for. Use your self power on your own behalf, to create what you want in your life, not to try to make someone else do something, or not do something- this will just waste your time. That is not powerful!l

Remember, focus on the things you can control and people are not on the list!