Have you thought about doing a business retreat for yourself? Well, let me do it for you. You will be surrounded by other like minded people all working on their best business ideas and goals.
Why are business retreats important?
- Time spent in a stress free environment allows your mind to relax and think deeply.
- Improved productivity
- Increased results
- Re-discovering passion for your work
- See and create new possibilities and opportunities
- Business planning and benchmarks
- Evaluating optimal environments internally and externally
At the Thrive! retreat you will have the time and space, while completely catered to with the finest surroundings, food and coaching, to assess what is working and isn’t. You can revamp and re-create your business plan, and because of the timing you can set your strategy for finishing your year strong ensuring a strong start to 2020! We will discuss perseverance and also when to let go and actually QUIT something! And much more.
There will be group work, workshop style as well as plenty of time to retreat alone in any one of a number of beautiful spots in and around the Inn- talk about the perfect set up for breakthrough ideas and heightened creativity!
Tickets & Registration – Order before 9/1 for best Rate!
- $399/person prior to Sept. 1
- $450/person after Sept 1
- $500/person after Sept 15.
Limited to 14 people. Reserve your spot now! Chef created breakfast, lunch, and snack included (with the best local delicious foods). All high quality materials provided.