The 100 Day Challenge, Day 74:

When reflecting upon what is not working well in your business or life- those areas you want to sharpen so that you can reach your goals- you may discover that they are the same few things that are stopping you time and time again.

Becoming consciously aware of those few things is a huge first step to overcoming them.  Start to identify some strategies that can help you to break through them this week.  Think about times in the past that you have had the discipline or courage or whatever you need to have to break through to success.  You know you have done it before, you can do it again.  Find someone to hold you accountable this week.  Someone who cares about your success and cares enough to question you and to follow up with you.

Take one thing at a time.  Build your power.  You can do anything you want to do!  Stay focused on your purpose and how much it means to you.