Being stylishly you.

A year ago I began working part time at a great co-working space. After several years at home, mostly, and many months of not getting dressed up to go anywhere, I was looking through my closet. There were so many items in there that I loved and hadn’t worn much or for a long time. … Continued

Can December be your best month yet this year?

Yes, it can if you are willing to believe it can be and you are willing to take actions that can add up to create your best month. As we begin a fresh new month, the final month of this year and the fourth quarter, I feel compelled to make it the best. I like … Continued

Gratitude finale and where do I go from here?

The gratitude challenge is over for this year, yet I hope that you have gained a practice that will continue well into the future. I am filled up on recognizing so much from the past, especially, it has helped me see many things in a different light. Admittedly, I am pretty good at day to … Continued

Keep it Simple!

Merriam Webster has a definition for “keep it simple” 1- to make something easy to understand or do and 2. to not do something in a complex or fancy way. In some 12 step programs “keep it simple” is a slogan that helps members to take a step back, notice how they might be complicating … Continued

How to realize your own goodness starting today.

Goodness. Let’s start with some homework today: (handwritten) What’s your definition? Because your definition is very important here. Write it out. Make a list of attributes you would assign to a “good” person. Who do you know or know of that has these attributes? How do you know? Now your definition,  is it realistic, attainable? … Continued

There’s something to be said for relief!

Think about it- you worry for a long time about an outcome of something and you get good news. You run a race and finish. You have a difficult conversation and then it is over, you finish a project or anything that has been “hanging over your head”. Maybe you had a sore toe and … Continued

Not Every Thought is Valuable

This from Yung Pueblo and his latest book The Way Forward. “saying less is incredibly helpful not every thought is valuable, not every feeling needs to be voiced what is often best is to slow down and spend time developing a clearer and more informed perspective ego rushes and reacts, but peace moves purposefully and … Continued

Make a little more effort.

Making an effort is good for us. If we are doing it for the right reasons, say for the sake of making an effort, there will probably never be a downside. I am an advocate for taking breaks and having plenty of rests, however, there are many times where we might be able to expect … Continued

The Compound Effect will get you every time!

There is a book that has been very important to me, my family and my clients for well over 10 years. The Compound Effect, by Darren Hardy, became a staple for life before I even finished it the first time. The ideas are simple and full of common sense, the hard part is sticking to … Continued