Magnanimous Mid Year!

I am starting out with the word magnanimous again this week because I want to talk to you about mid year. Magnanimity is generosity, which is usually spoken about in terms of being generous toward others. I like to turn all words around to also apply them to ourselves as well as others. And being … Continued

Freedom and Magnanimity

This weekend, not surprisingly, makes me think a lot about freedom. My head always tends to go to the freedom that we have inside of ourselves. Things like, you can’t control your first thought, but you can control every thought thereafter. Or the only thing we can truly control and have freedom with is what … Continued

Being Generous to You

STILL so much to say about generosity and this week’s post will wrap it up. You do not NEED my permission to be more generous with yourself, only you can give it, however, if you want it from me, you got it! I want to bring the word MAGNANIMOUS into this conversation because it was … Continued