The 100 Day Challenge, Day 15:

It’s September 1st- what a great time to set some new (or old) plans into motion!  This back to school time of year always fills me with renewed energy and excitement.  All of the college kids back in town to start a new year and kids going back to school tomorrow.  I am always looking for perfect times to re-vamp what I am doing in all of the areas of my life.  I can find a reason for a new start on almost any day, but September 1st seems particularly ideal to me- change in seasons, change in routine happening anyway, beginning of a month.

What would you still like to accomplish this year that you have not done?  Or started, but did not finish yet?

What new ideas come to mind now that you would like to add to your plans?

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Books you would still like to read/finish.

Classes you would like to take/things you would like to learn.

Hobbies you would like to take up, or take up once again.

Trips you would like to take- big or small, near or far.

Health habits you would like to change.  (diet, exercise, supplements, etc)

Style updates you would like to make.

Shows you would like to see, music you would like to listen to.

New restaurants you would like to try.

Groups you would like to join or start.

Projects you would like to start, re-start, and/or complete.

People you want to spend time with.

Work goals you would like to reach or surpass  (remember those from January??)

New business ideas.

Volunteer work you meant to do.

Spiritual pursuits.


The list could go on….  Think about what would make the rest of this year ideal for you.  One thing is for sure, now is the time to go for the things you want in your life.  Now is the perfect time, if you decide that it is!  As a coach, I support my clients in following through on their plans with accountability and great planning. 

What is one action you can take to move forward in the area of your choosing?  Who can support you and hold you accountable?  Start today- there has never been a better time!