May is one of the most perfect times for getting things organized and freshened up.  Spring cleaning didn’t become something for nothing! Clearing out the muck and piles isn’t just for our physical environments, it is just as much for the mental.  I was working with a client the other day and this popped out of my mouth: “What is you spring cleaned yourself?”  “What would that look like?”

It was a question I decided to ask myself later.  This month is the perfect time to take stock:

-What have I accomplished already this year?

-What is still on my project list and which of those will stay on the list and which will be taken off?

-What has me worked up that I am excited about and what am I doing about that?

-What has me worked up in an anxious way, and what am I doing about that?

-What are you reading?

-How is your mindset?  What is going on inside your head?!

Along with energy and activity, blooming, and sprouting- all great things that come with the Spring- there can also be overwhelm and over stimulation- like allergy season.  What am I working on in business or in my personal life that is causing me “life allergy” symptoms?!

I can tell you, I had a big reaction this year!

I decided to get organized and revamp my projects and plans to move forward for the next few months.  Life threw a few curves.  I observed my reactions to them.  I noticed my peacefulness drifting swiftly away.  I got worked up- and not in a good way.  My approach was not working.  So I tried something different.

I decided to keep calm and approach the challenges and conversations with openness, understanding and love.  I was able to be clear about what I wanted and to gain connection.  I could easily see how I was in a better position to get what I wanted than when my hair was on fire.

The thing is, when I remained calm, I was able to see what others wanted to, and there was the space for understanding.  Now I get what I want, they get what they want, or we compromise a little on both sides, but all feel listened to and understood.  When I was worked up I had little energy and focus for anything else.  Calm, I had plenty of wear with all to take good care of myself by doing things like working out- something that makes me feel better!

I also learned yet another lesson about not taking things personally- something I have worked on over many years.  I thought I had conquered this one, but the Universe figured out how to raise the stakes on this one to test me out.  I failed big time!  The failing allowed me to see more and new opportunity for growth.  Painful, but very strengthening in the end.

When you get through hard things, you get to feel stronger.  If nothing difficult ever happened, we would not be able to be fulfilled in this way.  I realize now that the choice to remain calm when things are happening regardless and that I have no control over.  I do have control of myself and I just have to stick with that!