Making an effort is good for us. If we are doing it for the right reasons, say for the sake of making an effort, there will probably never be a downside.

I am an advocate for taking breaks and having plenty of rests, however, there are many times where we might be able to expect a little more from ourselves. I am not talking about taking on challenges, which I am a big fan of, but just making a little more effort on something.

For instance, slightly over dressing. Or putting on some red lipstick! I had a great conversation at the Inn with the beautiful woman who keeps the first floor sparkling. I have been seeing her for years and we had not talked until yesterday when I stopped to mention how beautiful she always looks with her red lipstick. I first thing I always think is how much she cares about presenting herself. Upon questioning, she quickly told me how good she feels when she puts on her lipstick. Sometimes she doesn’t feel like it, but she makes the effort anyway, knowing how it will make her feel and that her day will be better. From even that seemingly little thing, her day will be better. Because she feels better. (I immediately went to my room and found my red lipstick and put it on for my walk! See this week’s YouTube video.)

A little effort goes a long way. Pick up something without being asked. Make the effort to finally do the thing you promised to do. Show up and be happy, even though you might not want to be in that particular place. Make an effort. Walk that extra mile, get to the gym, wake up a little earlier, fully listen when someone is talking to you. Say that kind thing, offer help.

Today, make a list of all of the little things you could do to make a little more effort in your life. This list is not to beat up on yourself, rather it is a list to shine the light on what you might possibly up level in your life. Embrace it.

When you make a little more effort, you get to feel good and many times others will feel good, as well.