The Your Year of Transformation theme for the month of April is Fresh!  As I thought about the theme for the month, I once again turned to the idea of a Fresh Start. It’s the beginning of a new month, yes, and also an new quarter and a new season- Spring is here!  The energy of Spring is filled with so much promise and possibility. Fresh seems like a great way to start.

When I consulted the dictionary app on my phone for the definition of Fresh I got a boat load of information and inspiration.  Things like new; just arrived; newly made or obtained; not tired or fatigued; brisk, vigorous; additional or further; looking youthful and healthy; pure cool, refreshing; not faded, worn or obliterated.


So all of this lead me to some great coaching questions that you can ask yourself in order to plan your best Fresh month of April ever.  Feel free to add your own to the list!  Apply these questions to all areas of your life, one by one, for some really amazing breakthroughs in your thinking:










-What will you take on that is new- possibly that you have never tried or done before?

-Where will you show up that is new?

-What can you welcome that you have not yet?

-What will you create or make?

-How will you take your energy up internally- leading to external results?

-What can you do to purify your to do list? Focus? Purify and clean out your physical spaces? Your food? Your Habits?

-What will you add in to your learning and personal growth plan? Reading? Classes? Experiences?

-What activities can you take part in that make you feel full of vitality and youthful? How do you take care of yourself at the highest level to live this essence?

-How can you breath new life in where things have become stale, worn, in a rut, even obliterated- where you have moved so far away from what you really want?

-Where do you need to rest and relax more in order to feel more full of life?

-What about your appearance could use a good dose of fresh? Hair? Clothes? How you show up?

-What will you say no to in order to gain energy for what moves you toward your most important goals?

Take some time in a journal or on a note pad- actually schedule in time- to think about each area and each question.  Sift out the 3 most important things for you to work on in April. Be diligent with those and you will be surprised at how some of the other things on your list will come along, as well.  If you want support in this process, write to me!  In my coaching practice I take a very fresh approach to each client I have the honor to work with. And I will hold you accountable, too.

I look forward to seeing your comments here, on Facebook and also continuing the conversation on my April 6 Blogtalk Radio show:

I hope you will join me!