Quality or Quantity? Relationship Well Being

So often we are hard on ourselves for relationship challenges. From- did I say the right thing? Am I doing enough? to do I have enough friends? Should I have my own family right now? Do my kids like me? I wish I could just offer you a big pile of relief and I will … Continued

Gratitude Ahead of Time

This is the last exploration of gratitude here on the blog for 2021- although it is sure to pop up here and there. This is a short, but powerful message as we wrap up this year. I talk a lot about mindset and how important it is. We have even learned that a consistent gratitude … Continued

Generosity Coming and Going

June is about the theme generosity. One of the aspects of generosity is the circle of being generous and at the same time being open to having others be generous with us. The circle of giving and receiving. This is a short post with a call for you to consider how round your circle is. … Continued

Generosity All Ways

Hello and thank you for reading my blog today- my theme for the month of June 2021 is generosity and throughout the month we are going to take a deep dive into many aspects of generosity. It is not something I have ever really thought about in a full way. This way involves pausing and … Continued