Living A Fuller Life

On a scale from 1-10 how fully are you living your life, by your definition? My definition would include things like experiencing things that cause me to feel awe, I am contributing to others and the world in some way, I engage in activities that bring me joy every day, that I am connected with … Continued

Magnanimous Mid Year!

I am starting out with the word magnanimous again this week because I want to talk to you about mid year. Magnanimity is generosity, which is usually spoken about in terms of being generous toward others. I like to turn all words around to also apply them to ourselves as well as others. And being … Continued

Change it up!

When we adopted our new puppy a little over a month ago, change was forced upon me. Having this experience has shown me (again) the huge value in changing the way I do things, day in a day out. I am a big proponent for people getting disciplined and creating routines and structures. However, once … Continued

Effortful to Effortless

Just for review- the definition of effort– a vigorous or determined attempt. This month of March I have been talking about choosing a challenge, taking effort you are using in areas that are not benefitting you in any good way and diverting it to the challenge and looking forward to creating more energy both by … Continued

How to Live Life More Fully? It Takes Effort!

If you’re following along this month, I am challenging you- to challenge yourself! (read the post previous to this one.) One word that keeps coming up for me is the word effort. It takes effort! In this world of everything at our fingertips and many tending toward making the choice of least effort, this idea … Continued