Flourishing February!

I have been thinking a lot about living an optimal life.  Between attending Oprah’s 2020 vision event and hearing her always authentic talk about why now is the best time to be living your best life and knowing of some special people leaving this Earth, as we would say, way too soon- my attention is … Continued

One Degree Revolution

I’ve been a fan of Coby Kozlowski’s wisdom ever since I heard her talk about skillfully riding the waves of life at a Vermont yoga event.  I had been waiting for her book to be released for months and once it was, I jumped right in. First of all, if you are just seeing yoga … Continued

Stronger- With Grace

Grace has been a word that has intrigued me for a long time.  In my coaching practice I use values cards with my clients and grace is one of the words in the deck.  Having pulled the card out many times over the years, I have explored the word’s meaning both in the dictionary and … Continued

Protect Yourself

This blog post is almost a no brainer at this time, but here it goes anyway! First the obvious- we are living in mentally and emotionally difficult time. Do you notice that some people are truly devastated over recent events while others are not? What is the difference? I don’t have all of the answers, … Continued