Just Be You!

Authenticity is something I have written about here in the past. I am feeling the spirit of summer (again/still!) and the idea of letting things go, shedding things and getting back to the necessities is speaking to me right now. What is necessary? Know that for yourself is important. What is necessary- for YOU? If … Continued

You. On Retreat.

Have you ever taken yourself on retreat?  Retreats are one of the important topics I cover in my book- The Successful Coaches Business Development Planner- but retreats are not just for coaches. They are for everyone. Some of you are old pros at retreats- take this as a reminder to get your next one scheduled … Continued

Tweak Your Life with One Small Step

This idea has me really excited….one small positive change can create a cascade of other positive changes in my life. I believe that if you want to bring some fresh energy into your life, it is as easy as that! If you want to experience even more life in your life, reinventing something will be … Continued

It All Started with an Orange Chair

My old mentor Mike Ferry used to talk about taking consistent thinking time, to pause and see what ideas might arise. I always like the sound of this idea, but it wasn’t until I joined the John Maxwell Team and  heard John talk about his “Thinking Chair”– a beautiful orange chair where he sat everyday … Continued

2023, Your Year of Creativity

Do you view yourself as creative? In 6th grade my art teacher, who knew my mother well, remarked to me during one fateful class, “You just aren’t creative like your mother is.” An art teacher confusing creativity with the ability to draw! I didn’t realize his mistake (on many levels), and my mistake in internalizing … Continued

Resolution Evolution

Happy New Year! Here we are, in 2023. The swirl of talk about resolutions is everywhere. Some excited, some downright nasty regarding the word resolutions.  Being resolute means that you feel something is so important to you, you are not willing to waver. I heard someone yesterday say that taking on resolutions means that you … Continued

Merry and Bright!

As I write this it is pouring rain, over cast and getting dark at 4:21! I am laughing about writing about merry and bright under these conditions! Merry and Bright- that is my theme for this month. And that really is the point for me, for December. To end this year on an up note. … Continued

Grateful for Personal Development

I am spending this month writing about things I am grateful for. One of the things I am most grateful for is my personal development. It is funny how one of the things that I am most grateful for is one of the hardest things I have engaged in in my life. It takes a … Continued

Grateful for Change

As Heraclitus famously said “the only constant is change.” We should be getting pretty good at dealing with change by now, right? Well, no. I mean, it is challenging when you are faced with different changes every day. So this is a life long pursuit- gracefully working with changes. With intentional awareness and practice, we … Continued

Positivity for Mental Health

I am celebrating the last hurrah of Mental Health Month (October) this week. Join me! How’s your mental health? In this day we have more permission than ever, it seems, to recognize where and when we are struggling mentally. We have to be honest with ourselves if we want to live our fullest lives. It … Continued