Quality or Quantity? Relationship Well Being

So often we are hard on ourselves for relationship challenges. From- did I say the right thing? Am I doing enough? to do I have enough friends? Should I have my own family right now? Do my kids like me? I wish I could just offer you a big pile of relief and I will … Continued

Well Being- Living a Full Life Now

Are you ready to live your life more fully starting this month? April is all about well being! And it is the perfect month for it- with spring energy on our side we will explore all of the domains of well being and if you choose to, engage in expanding each in your life. The … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 18: The Right People

Welcome to Day 18! We have all heard many times the importance of choosing the right people to spend time with, to listen to, to confide in, to let into our lives. We have all had the experience of choosing wrongly, and hopefully learning from those experiences. Some people are in our lives and we … Continued