The 100 Day Challenge, Day 87:

I am currently doing a lot of work with the Heart Association in our area. As chairwoman for the Go Red for Women Luncheon for 2010, my involvement began months ago, though the big event is not until February. The luncheon is the biggest fundraiser for the AHA in Vermont each year.

The big event has spawned several other build-up events including (but not limited to!) a Club Red Kick Off Event and a variety show- new this year- called On Stage with Heart! So, now I am involved in not one event, but 3+. So this is where I get thankful for connection. Through my experience so far I have been able to really come to appreciate that each one of us has unique gifts and talents and when we combine all of ours, it is like a symphony playing a beautiful song. No one persons contribution is smaller that another, as without each person there would be a hole- a duty left unfulfilled leaving the whole event off balance.

The person who coordinates all of this is amazing as there seem to me to be about a million pieces to the puzzle- focusing on the event at hand, while keeping track of the details of the coming events as well. She does her job with such grace, design, thoughtfulness and a smile and some fun thrown in. She has a baby about nine months old now, and a 2 year old and she balances it beautifully with the system she and her husband have worked out together. Over the years there have been cuts throughout the AHA. We lost our director here at one point. Our coordinator’s job here is supposed to be development, but I have a feeling she had taken over many of the necessary duties of the director. Recently she found out that the regional marketing person is now no more, adding to her duties. So here’s the icing on the cake- about a week and a half ago she found out that her hours (starting the next week) were cut to 22 hours a week.

So, here’s where the thankfulness comes in. I am so readily able to see how everyone working together in connection and respect of one another creates such amazing outcomes. I am thankful to be a part of the team that is doing so much good. I can also see what happens when you lose some of your connections. You just can’t do big things all on your own- you need people! This experience makes me more grateful to have them. Here’s an example- every year at our Go Red Luncheon we have a huge silent auction. I asked my friend who is the most organized stay at home Mom to chair that committee which also includes her Mom who is retired, 2 Realtors, an interior designer, a banker and a coach (me). If any one of us doesn’t follow through, the net result is that the auction isn’t as successful as it could be. We all bring our own connections to the table to create success. We have a Club Red committee, a show committee, logistics, executive, and number of others as well. We have the chef for tonight’s event-Wendy Gagliardi of Simply Gourmet donating her services, a local business- The Automaster that arranged a beautiful space for us and the connections continue. I am thankful for them all!

The Amercian Heart Association does so much good and is worthy of support. In Vermont heart disease is the number one cause of death in women. Check your state/area- you will likely find similar statistics. The people connected here in Vermont are making a difference. If you would like to know how you can connect with us and support us, just let me know! I have lots of ideas and would be THANKFUL to connect and share them with you!