The 100 Day Challenge, Day 98:

This year especially, with all the H1N1 going around, flus, colds and everything else, it is a little easier to feel thankful when you are feeling good and healthy.  Sometimes we can take good health for granted, and only after we’ve had a bought with sickness, can we remember to rejoice and feeling our best.

Take time this week to think about how lucky you are if you are healthy and feeling good.  If you are sick this week make good choices to help yourself heal as quickly as possible.  That means taking care of yourself mentally and physically.

When we are well, we are in a great position to be nurturing to those around us who may not be well.  Think to ask- how can I be an extra special blessing to their healing?

What new habit can you start (or re-start) this week to improve your health for the long term?  Start your New Year’s resolutions now- they will serve you well during the holiday season!