Think about it- you worry for a long time about an outcome of something and you get good news. You run a race and finish. You have a difficult conversation and then it is over, you finish a project or anything that has been “hanging over your head”. Maybe you had a sore toe and it is finally better.

When have you felt relieved about something? The title of this blog came out of my acupuncturist’s mouth and it stopped me in my tracks. I had been, for some reason, been talking about how I have deleted my Facebook page from my life for now- maybe forever. I said “feel such relief not to feel like I need to go on there and see everything I was seeing- it was too much.” Her response was so quick and matter of fact “well, there’s something to be said for relief!” And she was right! There is something to be said.

The gratitude we experience for the places we have experienced relief! Think about a few now, just to create some more gratitude in your life.

Next, think about what you could do right now to create a feeling of relief in your life. Like I could stop thinking about something that has bothered me, or I could put aside a problem for now. I could ask for help. I just canceled a trip two days before leaving because I was having mixed feelings about leaving home at this time. I feel such great relief- also a great sign that I have made the right decision. You could decide to finally do something, or decide to ditch or stop something. The possibilities are endless!

I’ll leave you with this one last thought to ponder. I think it might be possible to build a life on purpose that doesn’t require us to look for relief. Yes, there are things we can not control- I am talking about the things you can. Even taking care of your health thoroughly puts you in line to not be suffering and therefore needing relief. Overall, the quality of your decisions, what you say yes and no to are what will have you hoping, seeking for relief or not needing to even think about it.

Do, yes, there is something important to say about relief. What do you say? Take some time to write down your thoughts about this- that’s your homework. Then, what will you do with these realizations? You just may find some relief in this exercise!