I believe that you can receive good fortune, sometimes it even seems unwarranted- like it came out of nowhere. I have written often about co-creating with a higher power, energy, the universe. They key is that you must always play your part by taking consistent action.

I was reading an email I received this week by one of my favorite authors Ryan Holiday. He writes a lot about Stoic philosophy which appeals to me. It seems like common sense. This week he was writing about the Stoic’s idea of creating success and good fortune. He quoted Marcus Aurelius as saying “Good fortune is what you make for yourself.” He went on to say that the way to do that is through good character, good intentions followed by good actions.

Every day we are presented with ways to test each of these. Here’s an example- how often are you asking for things that are overstepping? Do you take advantage of anyone or anything? Are you putting forth your best effort? Are you agreeable in order to help someone out. Do you set good, clear boundaries? Do you hold to those boundaries? Do you follow through on things you say you will do, keeping your word? (to yourself and others.) Do you ever say one thing one day, and then something completely different on a different day? Are you unwilling to listen and learn and grow instead of moving your ego out of the way? Are you willing to change the way you do things, even if you’ve done them the same way for a very long time? Do you set great intentions, but then forget to follow them by good, right actions? Do you apologize when necessary? Do you waste yours other people’s time in any way? Are you seeking attention, rather than humility? Do your actions make sense, are they well thought out, or are you acting on a whim according to what suits you? And here is the big one for me around character- do you see the good in others, or just what is not right about them according to your estimation?

Whoa! I will stop there, but I could easily go on. These are just some of the ways that you and I can get off track on the road to good character, intentions and actions. What others can you think of? 

In coaching sessions, my clients and I talk about making progress versus insisting on perfection. Perfection is an illusion. So if you are reading this and ready to throw in the towel, remember this- you are a human being. Making progress every day is the win! As humans we slip up or make any number of unintentional moves on a daily basis. Keep in pursuit of your good fortune by noticing that and reflecting on what you will do differently moving forward.

Don’t be too hard on yourself, but also, be hard on yourself! I love it when my coaching clients are willing to be real about what is tripping them up and getting in the way of them getting what they want. They love it, too. I, personally, have found freedom in uncovering these things and working to get through them.

Your homework this week, should you choose to accept it is to ask yourself and write you answers to what is getting in the way of you creating good fortune in your life, by your definition. What is in the way of you having a good character, having good intentions, and making good actions? See what you discover.