Why do we do things we know are not good for us, even when presented with research about how it is hurting us? This question got me going this week.

And it could be anything. For that matter, it might even just be something that you know is not serving you- no research, just knowing.

This week, the blog is a mini workshop. Take a notebook and pen and some quiet, undistracted time and ask yourself  these questions, write out your answers.

-Make a list of things you are doing that are good for you.

-Make a list of things that are not serving you well.

-For each item on both lists answer:

*When did you start doing it?

*What keeps you continuing to do it?

*How is it serving you? And not serving you?

*What would really like to be your reality?

*What are some first steps you can take to move in the direction you want to go?

*What obstacles might you have to overcome?

*Who can help you?

*Who can hold you accountable?

Take some time today to really dig in and think about all of this. Even the things you are doing that are good for you probably have a next level. What would that be for you?

As you do this work be real, truthful, open with yourself. See what you discover.