Why magic?  To me, magic is things happening that you don’t know for sure can happen, or sometimes don’t believe could happen.

Whether you’ve had a fantastic year and your goals are right on track, or you have had a fantastic year and your goals are off track OR you have not had the year you wanted and are feeling a little down or disappointed about being off track- there is some magic for you.

The magic is in how you think. You still have almost three months left this year. And October- a nice long month- has just begun.

What do you intend to do with it?

How do you reignite excitement for your goals?

How do you take on track goals and take them over the top?

What has to happen in order for you to really enjoy this last quarter of the year while finishing strong and creating momentum to move you into 2018?

The truth is, and you’ve heard this before!, what you think about it will determine your experience and your outcomes.

For myself, I am on track for some goals and off for others. I want to squeeze all of the goodness out of the 4th quarter both business wise and personally. Just thinking that way gets me excited.

Devotion is one word I am taking into this last part of the year. Devotion to my life and making the most of it. Devotion to do the very best thing I can with each minute of my day- which sometimes means breaks and self care, and sometimes means working my but off and keeping focused.

Only you know the answers to the questions I posed above.  Yes, you do know the answers.

What would you still like to create this year? If you don’t want to call it goals, call it intentions, or whatever word you like. It’s having an idea of what you want in your life, a vision to move toward. If you don’t have a picture of it, then you are living your life by default.

Don’t get me wrong- some of my favorite people are living by default and they are VERY successful and doing great things in all areas of their lives. But I wonder what else might be possible for them.

So that’s why I say magic, because it seems that way- a little tweak in thinking, a few questions answered in writing- these small things can change things in a big way.

My last and somewhat cliched thought for this time is – THINK BIG AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.  We all know people no more capable than we are that are up to big things and creating what they want in life. It’s time to stop thinking we are any different than they are. The only difference is that they are figuring out a way and they are taking ACTION- fearful or not. Doubting or not. They are DOING it.


Please be powerful in these next few months- for yourself and for the rest of the world. If we all do our part to be the best we can in our little corner of the Universe, everyone is better off.

Subscribe to my newsletter at youryearoftransformation.com- the next one goes out this week.

And if you want to hear more about finishing the year strong- tune in to my Blog Talk radio show this Friday, here it is