
Admittedly, I am creating my own, “I grew up in Vermont so it’s okay to do this” meaning of “Falling”- which in my context today means doing Fall with all of the bells and whistles! I will start there. Think of all of the things that you know about fall, maybe even have experienced. I … Continued

Just Be You!

Authenticity is something I have written about here in the past. I am feeling the spirit of summer (again/still!) and the idea of letting things go, shedding things and getting back to the necessities is speaking to me right now. What is necessary? Know that for yourself is important. What is necessary- for YOU? If … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 15: Rest Day

Welcome to Day 15! We are right at the half way point in our challenge today! AND today is a rest day! After all of the challenges that have been coming your way, this is a day to catch up, or do with what makes the most sense to you. A rest day is not … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 10: No Activity

Welcome to Day 10! I know many of you are doing a catch up day today. That is great! Remember, there is no right or wrong way to do this challenge. You can start at any time, engage with what works for you, but the coach in me will always push you and encourage you … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 6: Fresh Starts!

Welcome to Day 6! One of my favorite things about me is that I LOVE fresh starts! Do-evers, new beginnings. I take advantage of them at every turn! Today is my birthday and this is one of those times I consider the ultimate fresh start! I take the time to think about the past year- … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge: Day 5- Music! (and dancing)

Welcome to Day 5! And happy Cinco de Mayo!  There are two things that I am thinking about from my childhood this morning- one was we always celebrated every holiday to the hilt- decorations, food, etc. I also LOVED music more than anything. My chore was cleaning the kitchen every night after dinner. It used … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge: Day 4- Writing it out…

Welcome to Day 4! Here’s a check in- it’s Monday- How are you doing? Is Monday something you look forward to? Do you even know what day it is? As we are well aware, we are all having such different experiences in this time of crisis! Writing things out has been a staple for me … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge: Day 3

Welcome to Day 3! Today, is about spirit. Your spirit and the connection to something bigger than yourself. If this already makes you a bit uncomfortable, hang with me. When you are connected to your spirit, amazing things happen. When you are truly connected you will feel strong, capable, uplifted- high vibe all the way … Continued

Opportunity in a Time of Crisis

I have been spending my week filling my head with good information.  Not about the C-Virus, but about positive, uplifting ideas and thoughts that can not only help me to weather the storm, but to thrive and flourish in it.  I am determined to come out of this thing better than when I went in. … Continued