Welcome to Day 5!

And happy Cinco de Mayo!  There are two things that I am thinking about from my childhood this morning- one was we always celebrated every holiday to the hilt- decorations, food, etc. I also LOVED music more than anything.

My chore was cleaning the kitchen every night after dinner. It used to take me up to two hours to do because I would play my record albums in the next room and get distracted singing and dancing, go back, clean a few more dishes, more singing and dancing. Michael Jackson’s Off The Wall album was to blame and worn out during this period of time.

When my kids were little we did dance parties and I played and danced to music myself everyday. At some point in my real estate career I started listening to motivation, instruction and inspiration in my car during work hours and that is as far as I can pinpoint the demise of music being a part of my daily life. Now with podcasts and audible books, I rarely listened to music. One day las year I realized that my only experience with music was on a day I went to spin class. (and I am the one who sits in the back row, and yes, I do sing- thank goodness the music is loud!)

At the beginning of the year I made a purposeful intention to start dancing around and listening to music on a daily basis. I was hit or miss, but in this time of quarantine I have made it a regular thing. Now I look forward to cleaning the bathrooms on Saturday and dancing around while I do it!

Some of you are very good about your music and dancing (and singing) habit. Really- as human beings, these things are very, very good for us. Your brain loves hearing your voice singing, your body loves to move to rhythms and beats and different parts of your brain are stimulated when you listen to music of different types. It is worth thinking about reaching some pretty high vibes each day by engaging in these things.

Oh- and one holiday we never celebrated- and I did not know even existed as a kid growing up in Southern Vermont- Cinco de Mayo! Not until I became a partying college kid did I hear about this day. So we now include this celebration at our house. Tonight we will dance and drink virgin margaritas and just bring in the spirit of uplifted energy. My daughter is creating something from her new Mexican foods cookbook- how timely!

Day 5 Journal Questions:

-How often do you listen to music?  Dance?   Sing?

-What was your favorite music as a kid?

-What is your favorite memory involving music?

-How important was music in your childhood and adolescence?

-What are your most favorite songs every?

-What are some ways (list) that you could amplify your experience of a high vibe day/life with music, dancing and?or singing?

Day 5 Challenge:

-Listen to a song today that you know makes you feel high vibe today! Listen on repeat, even, maybe even enough so that someone asks what the heck you are doing! (Like my brother always did to me with the Off the Wall album!)

Extra credit- make a commitment to something musical (be specific) that you will do daily for the rest of the month.

Feel free to comment what your song is and your daily commitment- if you make one- on the group Facebook page if you are connecting there!