Growth in your use of language.

As we near closure to 2023, it is a good time to look at your growth this year. What have you learned through challenges- both those you took on for yourself and those that happened unchosen and unannounced. How you handle things, your mindset, your approach will determine the amount of growth you will have. … Continued

Tweak Your Life with One Small Step

This idea has me really excited….one small positive change can create a cascade of other positive changes in my life. I believe that if you want to bring some fresh energy into your life, it is as easy as that! If you want to experience even more life in your life, reinventing something will be … Continued

Nine (Not so) Secrets of Accomplishing in Your Life!

When you are in your accomplishing sweet spot, you are actively creating the life you want to live. Looking up the word accomplish in the dictionary, it says that accomplishing is about achieving or completing something successfully. Keep this definition in mind as you check out the list of “secrets” below! –To keep yourself encouraged, … Continued

Mindset May- Creating Your Reality

Because of vacation, I only have a few short weeks to do the topic of mindset justice, so I am going to dig right in! I have been talking about mindset for so long that it is no longer about skimming the surface for me. It is digging deep into the stuff that holds us … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge, Day 28: Finish Strong!

Welcome to Day 28! No matter what kind of challenge you are doing, goals you set or any intentions you have, when you are coming down to your deadline or finish line, you have to the opportunity to finish strong. Regardless of how you have done leading up to the last few days, you have … Continued

What is Your Mindset Set To?

Fixed or growth?  That is the question!  In the positive psychology world, these two mindsets are talked about a lot. One- growth- is supportive to you living a happy and expansive life. The other- fixed- limits what is possible and your experience. A growth mindset allows you to see challenges as an opportunity to learn, … Continued