Personal Reinvention: Wellbeing

We are over a third of the way through Personal Reinvention month at Kimberly DuBrul Coaching- if you’ve been in it with me, how are you doing? You can start today by reading the last two week’s posts and jumping right in! I am doing a lot better than I thought I would- I had … Continued

Even if you don’t feel like it!

I want to get this out of the way first, so that your mind can be clear to take in this message. Yes, there are times when not following through is the right thing to do. Yes, I am all for you listening to yourself and taking care of yourself. Yes, I am all for … Continued

Personal Reinvention Month September 2023

I decided that September would be personal reinvention month for me and then I started thinking maybe I would share the idea with you and maybe you would like to join me! I have taken a lot of time away from working in the past month. I made a list of things I wanted to … Continued