100 Day Challenge, Day 8:

Have you ever put so much into a day, really stayed on track-  were focused and efficient and productive- you felt great about all you accomplished that day?  You may have worked longer and harder than usual, but you were in the flow and didn’t notice.  You were so excited about what you were doing that you put all of your energy and then some into it.   There is a feeling that comes at the end of a day like that- it’s called TIRED! 

This not the usual tired that comes from staying up too late the night before, poor eating habits, inactivity, or from just plain lacking enthusiasm.  This is a good feeling of tired!  It is a tired that tells you that you really moved forward today- and when you sink into bed that night, it feels like a reward you earned, not just something you do at that time of night.  When was the last time you had one of those days?

I had one today.  It was not spent working.  I was at an amusement park all day with my family and our good friends.  Boy- it takes alot of energy and you can experience every kind of emotion possible in a day like that.  When you put your all into it, everyone benefits.  Now it is past 10:00 and I am feeling that good feeling of tired and posting my day 8 blog and when I am finished, I will sink into bed and yes, it will feel like a HUGE reward!  I wish you a day like this one today- no matter what you are doing give it all you’ve got- and then some!  The one who benefits the most is YOU!