The 100 Day Challenge, Day 26:
This was the kind of night we should all have as often as possible! Fun, lively conversation, inspiration, beauty and art. Oh, and let’s not forget the food and drinks! This South End Art Hop weekend in Burlington, Vermont. You can view endless varieties of art work by local artists and boy do we have some good ones here! We especially enjoyed visiting the opening reception at Champlain Valley Millworks on Kilburn St. where we were able to see works of art by Champlain College (my alma mater) faculty, staff and alumni. Great art and yummy treats- and LOTS of excited people! There are refreshments scattered throughout the approximately 100 venues and tons of people everywhere. Bands playing, people dancing….My friend Kathy Soulia and her dedicated group know how to put on an event!
Next, we ventured to Church Street and to one of my favorite venues- Leunigs- for a delectable drink with an out of town friend Kent and many in town friends who also came down to see him. This is the kind of night that fuels positive energy, enthusiasm and joy! I especially enjoyed some big laughs with my friend Greg who has such a great sense of humor. I can’t help but feel good when I am around him.
One of the best things about a night like this is that the things we enjoyed the most were FREE!
Here’s your weekend homework- have at least one night like this one, on purpose- however you want to spend it. BUT if you are in Vermont, I highly suggest you check out the Art Hop. On Saturday my friend John Akey’s band is playing at Conant Light and Metal- a huge hub of art activity- from 1-4:00 and they are GOOD! It’s FREE!
If you live somewhere else- as many of my friends do- seek out a similar type of fun event in your area- almost every community has something this time of year. If not, make something up! Feel free to share your ideas!
Me, I’m off to Boston Saturday to see the Red Sox WIN! And the fun continues………… I can already tell you that I am going to have a great week next week- how about you??