Yes, it can if you are willing to believe it can be and you are willing to take actions that can add up to create your best month.
As we begin a fresh new month, the final month of this year and the fourth quarter, I feel compelled to make it the best. I like this thought- how you finish is how you start. The idea of finishing strong and positively always appeals to me, this year more than ever.
The first thing to do is to write a description of what would make this month the best one this year. Then see below.
Here is a quick checklist to help you create your best month in December and to gain momentum and goodness going into 2025. Commit to doing something different and challenge yourself to really step up.
–Review this year and look for the 10 best things that have happened this year- big or small, write them down. Even lessons that were hard to learn belong on this list.
–Write down the five most challenging things you have dealt with this year. No judging, they were challenging for you and that is all you need to know. Taking an honest assessment can allow you to let things go, especially when you write them down. You can tear them up after, as well, just don’t set them on fire in your house. (That is from experience.)
–Decide now how you want to enjoy this holiday season. Start with what you can control. Think of a happy holiday past, or traditions to continue or revive. Who would you like to see? Make plans. Spend time in places and with people who uplift and inspire you. Don’t leave this to chance: write out a plan.
–Uplevel your workouts, whatever that means to you. Now is not the time to scale back. Challenge yourself. Of course, I have to say, I am not a doctor and please see one before doing anything rigorous.
–Go to bed earlier than usual. Get rest, take naps and be filled with energy. It is hard to have a great month when you are tired. Being tired can be a component of many things including lack of movement. Moving and rest, both equally important.
-Write down 3-5 things you are grateful for including at least one about yourself each morning or evening. Both if you are really serious about creating your best month.
–Wear your best clothes no matter where you are going. I have been doing this a lot this whole year and yes people do ask you why you are all dressed up sometimes. “Are you going somewhere special?” I have heard many times and I just say “here!” and that is that. Enjoy your clothes- every day is a special occasion. I plan on wearing a lot of sequins this month!
–This goes for dishes, silverware, and anything else you are saving for a special occasion.
–Give away everything that is just too much. What do you have too much of? Who can you bless with what you have and truly don’t need. Lightening your load is such a good and fulfilling feeling.
-Whether you give away or not, clean out your closets and put everything back in, organized. What a feeling to open an organized drawer or closet!
–Clean your car inside and out and keep it clean and full of gas before getting to empty all month long.
–Sit and be still for at least 10 minutes each day.
–Pick one book and read at least 5 pages each day. Make it something inspiring (including fiction) or something you can learn from. This year I have been very fortunate to have been at some of the most amazing art museums and exhibits in the world. I have a book from each one. Art inspires me, yet I haven’t take the time to read and learn about what I have seen in greater depth. That’s what I am doing this month. What would you like to learn or enjoy?
–Deal with unfinished tasks, business, conversations. Make a list of these. Take one at a time and write a list of actions to getting it done. I have practiced this many times in the past month taking care of things that have been hanging over my head. I was falling prey to the mindset that it was big and I needed to have enough time. I was forgetting that if I break it down into steps, I can take one small step at a time. (See last week’s blog post on keeping it simple.)
-Start something you would like to start before the beginning of the year.
–Take one quick day or road trip to a favorite place or to check out a new place. Try a new restaurant, watch a new movie, or a favorite old one. Trying new things AND engaging in old favorites are both good vibe building.
–Do nice things for people. Planned and unplanned. Look for opportunities. And let people do nice things for you, too. Accept nice gestures, words, gifts, everything and do it wholeheartedly! Do nice things for yourself, too!
I hope I just got you started and now it’s up to you. I would like to know what you would add to the list, as well! Here’s to your greatest month this year!