This is a theme I revisit often on this blog! As we get grooving into this new year, it was up for me to revisit again.

I encourage you to think of the many other ways, things, places you could do besides the things I am mentioning here. I encourage you to read and let what else occurs to you to come to life.

One of the ways I love to think about change is with environment– some of the areas of environment are spaces- home, office, the mental environment in your head, your car and all of the places you spend time.

Things like, moving things around in your space, the degree of clutter, the cleanliness, the beauty in your spaces are all important. In your mind, what you are reading, watching, and listening to are important areas to change up.

Trying new things is an excellent way to experience change- this creates a healthy brain, resilience and more. And just plain leads to a more expansive and fun life. And gives you plenty to talk about! One of my great clients has decided to embrace this idea this year by trying a new good each month that he has never tried before. Take a class, learn something new. Listen to some music or watch a show you ordinarily wouldn’t choose- just to try it out. Visit new places.

Do you spend most of your time around people? Maybe start some alone time in your life. Or the opposite if you spend a lot of time alone.

Challenge yourself for a month- add or subtract something- make it a real challenge, make it work. Stretch yourself out of your comfort zone in the next month. What will it be?