The picture with this blog post pretty much tells the story of my current situation! I am spending a lot of time on the love seat in front of the fireplace with a dog on top of me or behind my head. Computer open and phone fired up, too. This has been my office since last Wednesday. That was the day I broke my ankle.

It was instant refinement!

Nothing like something outside of your control happening to stop you in your tracks. That is the time that you suddenly have ultimate clarity- what is actually important? Can you think of a time that this was the case for you?

You’ve had something happen, or you are worried about something and suddenly not much else matters.

Having been given this challenge when I was well on my way to my second consecutive month of run/walking 100 miles and I was pretty much a jumping jack champ was at first devastating. I knew I had a decision to make and here’s what I decided.

I will allow the grief of what I lost to come and go as it does. And not to deny it. AND I am looking for what is possible now that wasn’t before. AND discerning what the true, really important things are. I am embracing this space which has opened right up for me- right? It happened FOR me, not TO me. Such a mindset strengthening thought.

The most important things in my life turned into how to get to the bathroom, to shower, to get a meal, what I could wear and how to get it out of the closet and put it on. And then work. Try to say a kind word to my husband who’s been doing his best to help me out as much as possible. There are things I can do now that I wasn’t doing before- moving mindfully, taking my time, pausing, longer meditations, more reading.  I am staying in the wonder of what unfolds with this refining time. I hope you will, too.

Two weeks ago I asked you to start to think about and write out what stays, goes and get added in your life right now. (go back to that blog post to remind yourself it needed.) After that you have a list of things. If you had to whittle down to the top 5 most important things, what would they be? This will probably be challenging. See what comes up.

Keep refining this week, keep making space without filling it. Next week we will go to another level with manifesting.