I am fortunate to be connected with so many kind people. They are all around me, and they are all around you, too. Remember that old saying “you see what you are most focused on.” The more you focus on your truth of something, the more proof you find that what you think is true.

There are a lot of generalizations going on and around about people these days. I want to remember, I want us to remember that most people are generally kind.

You are kind. You want to be kind. The thing that happens for all of us is that we forget to be kind on purpose. Intentionally kind. The kind of kindness that was thought out and acted on.

I use the VIA Character Strength assessment with all of my clients and Kindness is one of the 24 strengths included. On their website, viacharacter.org, there is a quote about kindness.

“I am helpful and empathic and regularly do nice favors for others without expecting anything in return.” 

That part- without anything in return. And not just favors, but even a simple kind word. And the old one about holding the door for someone- still kind today!

Kindness is about being nice, thoughtful, caring toward others. Kind individuals care about people.

There are over uses, for sure, like having reasons for being kind beyond just being kind and doing kind things to your own detriment. For today, though, I am just talking about being thoughtful and upleveling your kindness game starting now!

I love this quote:

“Practice kindness all day to everybody and you will realize you’re already in heaven now.” Jack Kerouac

So let’s do it!