My 100 day challenge, to blog everyday for 100 straight days, has it’s challenges.  One of the biggest obstacles I have encountered with my blog is choosing what to write.  This is an obstacle because I have too many choices and want to pick the perfect topic. This is the reason I decided to take on this challenge in the first place- to combat infrequent blog posting due to perfectionistic standards by breaking the habit once and for all.  So, the question occurs to me- wouldn’t it be easier to make a choice if I had less choices to begin with?  That is a huge question for me because I am a list lover and idea person- so long lists are a part of who I am!  How do I let go and pare down to an essential “few” choices?

I need to make some rules for myself.  (If I make the rules, I am willing to follow them!).  I will allow no more than two ideas to consider at anyone time and I will use my coaching abilities, tools and intuition to laser coach myself into quick decision!   I can remind myself that once I make a decision and start to move forward that things start to flow for me.  I have often been told that making the decision is the hardest part of any endeavor.  That may not always be true, but in this case it would certainly seem that way!