Starting over, or not. Be resolute.

This time of year brings up a lot of conflicting feelings. I honor what yours are, and you also always have to the opportunity to consider something other than what you think. Like, you can change your mind. Resolutions. Many people love to hate the work and what they believe it means. To be resolute … Continued

How to realize your own goodness starting today.

Goodness. Let’s start with some homework today: (handwritten) What’s your definition? Because your definition is very important here. Write it out. Make a list of attributes you would assign to a “good” person. Who do you know or know of that has these attributes? How do you know? Now your definition,  is it realistic, attainable? … Continued

What’s important, what’s true?

This post is a little bit of a review, if you’ve been following along with me for a while. I notice I circle back to common themes over and over again throughout the years. I want to share with you some of the things I am thinking about right now as I consider how I … Continued

Not Every Thought is Valuable

This from Yung Pueblo and his latest book The Way Forward. “saying less is incredibly helpful not every thought is valuable, not every feeling needs to be voiced what is often best is to slow down and spend time developing a clearer and more informed perspective ego rushes and reacts, but peace moves purposefully and … Continued

Tend to Yourself

I remember as kids that whenever any of us was bugging anyone else an adult would always say “tend to yourself!” Their way of saying “stop bothering them.” Right now,  in this time and place might be a good time to think about tending to ourselves. I mean this in a couple of different ways. … Continued

Living A Fuller Life

On a scale from 1-10 how fully are you living your life, by your definition? My definition would include things like experiencing things that cause me to feel awe, I am contributing to others and the world in some way, I engage in activities that bring me joy every day, that I am connected with … Continued

Just Be You!

Authenticity is something I have written about here in the past. I am feeling the spirit of summer (again/still!) and the idea of letting things go, shedding things and getting back to the necessities is speaking to me right now. What is necessary? Know that for yourself is important. What is necessary- for YOU? If … Continued

A Look At Your Resistance (just for fun!)

I had to add the subtitle to the title because…. a word like resistance can be so heavy! But you really can have fun with it, if you are willing to look at it more closely. Resistance is really a good thing at its core- our human brain is actually trying to protect us. If … Continued

You. On Retreat.

Have you ever taken yourself on retreat?  Retreats are one of the important topics I cover in my book- The Successful Coaches Business Development Planner- but retreats are not just for coaches. They are for everyone. Some of you are old pros at retreats- take this as a reminder to get your next one scheduled … Continued

Celebrating the Gift of Coaching!

May 8-14 is International Coaching Week and I am taking this opportunity to celebrate! I have seen the gift of coaching in action in my own life, as well as with my clients for over 21 years now. If you haven’t experienced it yourself and aren’t sure what it is, here’s a definition for you … Continued