Opportunity in a Time of Crisis

I have been spending my week filling my head with good information.  Not about the C-Virus, but about positive, uplifting ideas and thoughts that can not only help me to weather the storm, but to thrive and flourish in it.  I am determined to come out of this thing better than when I went in. … Continued

Flourishing February!

I have been thinking a lot about living an optimal life.  Between attending Oprah’s 2020 vision event and hearing her always authentic talk about why now is the best time to be living your best life and knowing of some special people leaving this Earth, as we would say, way too soon- my attention is … Continued

A Particularly Favorable Environment

Thriving as the result of a particularly favorable environment. This is the definition of the word FLOURISH. A word I am growing to love more and more- the more I consider it’s meaning and interpret it for myself. A week ago I lead a retreat called the Thrive Retreat. I read a lot of words … Continued