It might all be just too much!

If we have too much of something, we just might have too little of something else. What prompted me- for the last week- to think about it was observing myself, family members, friends, and random people who I noticed all doing the same thing. We are all absorbed by what is on our phones- and … Continued

Tend to Yourself

I remember as kids that whenever any of us was bugging anyone else an adult would always say “tend to yourself!” Their way of saying “stop bothering them.” Right now,  in this time and place might be a good time to think about tending to ourselves. I mean this in a couple of different ways. … Continued

Going Inside When You Are Outside

This week’s blog post is very uncomplicated!  I have written many times about the importance of getting outside. For us in the northeast US, summer time is a great time to get outside and to see so much beauty surrounding us. When you get outside and combine it with some kind of meditation, mindfulness or … Continued


In my coaching practice I use this great app called the CLI Values Cards (by Coaching and Leadership International)- my initial use was with the actual, real life cards and then moved to the app. My clients and I pick out a “random” word that comes into our session many times. Recognition is one of … Continued

A World of Magical Thinking

Magical thinking has been described as that your thoughts, ideas, words and actions can influence the outcome of specific events in the material world. As with just about every kind of thinking- it can be a good and supportive thing, as well as a detrimental one. This shows up often when people find connections in … Continued

Thinking for Yourself

Thinking month at Kimberly DuBrul Coaching continues! Thinking for myself has been one of my greatest learnings and challenges. I grew up learning to get along and most of the time that meant going along with what others thought about things rather than honoring my own knowing. As a young adult and beyond this looked … Continued

This one I was stuck on.

Have you ever been stuck on the same story or hurt or resentment for a period of time? Sometimes a long period? I have. And it is not a joyful way to live. You keep seeing proof of the situation, or that person keeps popping up, or maybe you made a mistake and even though … Continued

Don’t Expect it to Adapt to You

I was wandering along in the spring snow this morning noticing feeling happy and enjoying the beauty! This is not a big deal because it is April and we are still having a huge snow storm, It is a big deal because this wasn’t always the case for me. In fact, in my past winters … Continued

Until You Don’t

Last September 6th I went to bed like I do any normal night and when I woke up my knee wouldn’t work. As I tried  to walk I felt sharp pain, but being who I am, out I went for my morning walk, believing I would just walk it off. I powered through for a … Continued