The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 10: No Activity

Welcome to Day 10! I know many of you are doing a catch up day today. That is great! Remember, there is no right or wrong way to do this challenge. You can start at any time, engage with what works for you, but the coach in me will always push you and encourage you … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge: Day 7- Take a breath!!

Welcome to Day 7! Today is a day to CATCH UP! First of all, this IS a challenge, so it SHOULD feel challenging to you! We can learn a lot about ourselves in a challenge. What our minds say, what comes up in the way of self talk and feelings. Stories. Wherever you are at … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day #1

Welcome to day 1! Let’s start at the beginning! What does it even mean- high vibe? Or High Vibration? If you google high vibration you will see things come up like crystals, food, and music. Basically anything high vibration is something that is going to make you feel good and fills you with positive energy. … Continued

The Ultimate Pattern Interrupt

There is a concept that comes from Neuro Linguistic programming called the pattern interrupt. Simply put, is a way of changing a person’s mental, emotional, or behavioral state or strategy. Developing the skill set for creating a pattern interrupt can help you learn new behaviors that lead you powerfully forward toward living a more intentional, passion-filled … Continued

Last 31 Days- Hope is Part of the Strategy

How many times have you heard this- Hope is NOT a strategy.  When we hear it we tend to write off hope and not give it another thought.  I had a great discussion the other day and our consensus was that people get hope mixed up with the word try. Like when you say I … Continued

Stronger- What’s Good About Me?

There’s a saying that we teach that which we are also learning. This is so true of me in my coaching practice. In a world that can easily knock you down, it is easy to forget what is good about ourselves.  There is always another level, another achievement, another something better we could do or … Continued

When Things Get Tough, Keep Your Habits Strong!

There is nothing like a good old fashioned crisis to show you what you are made of!  This is the time you quickly realize whether or not you have put a good self care plan into place.  It will determine your level of calm, peace and clarity.  It will determine how successfully you come through … Continued

Are Your Habits On Your Side?

Where you are in your life today and the level of satisfaction and contentment you feel about that, are the sum total of your daily habits, including the habits of what and how you think and what you speak out loud. What daily habits do you have that support you and help you to live … Continued