2023, Your Year of Creativity

Do you view yourself as creative? In 6th grade my art teacher, who knew my mother well, remarked to me during one fateful class, “You just aren’t creative like your mother is.” An art teacher confusing creativity with the ability to draw! I didn’t realize his mistake (on many levels), and my mistake in internalizing … Continued

Merry and Bright!

As I write this it is pouring rain, over cast and getting dark at 4:21! I am laughing about writing about merry and bright under these conditions! Merry and Bright- that is my theme for this month. And that really is the point for me, for December. To end this year on an up note. … Continued

Grateful for Personal Development

I am spending this month writing about things I am grateful for. One of the things I am most grateful for is my personal development. It is funny how one of the things that I am most grateful for is one of the hardest things I have engaged in in my life. It takes a … Continued

October Overwhelm

I have been quite a few conversations this week with people who are feeling overwhelmed. The definition of overwhelm found online: “bury or drown beneath a huge mass” and “defeat completely.” It doesn’t sound so good when we apply those definitions to our lives! Whoa. My goal today is to remind you of a few, … Continued

Mental Health is Your Mental Wealth

Your mental health is everything. October 3-9 is Mental Health Awareness Week and Mental Health Day is October 10th. I like to highlight it at this time because this is a subject that affects all of us. All of us living in this world must be aware of and take care of our mental health- … Continued

So. It’s an “off” day.

Have you had an off day lately? One that kind of sneaks up on you, takes you by surprise? I had one of those today. I’d like to blame it on Mercury Retrograde- and maybe that is it. But I have been working for a long time to get away from blaming anything- or anyone. … Continued

For Your Optimal Health- Weave In The Fun!

Maybe it’s the time of year- August- that makes me think it’s time for fun! Growing up, knowing there were a few weeks left before back to school, the pressure was on (in a good way) to have as much fun as possible in the warmth of summer. We played in the woods, making things … Continued

Quality or Quantity? Relationship Well Being

So often we are hard on ourselves for relationship challenges. From- did I say the right thing? Am I doing enough? to do I have enough friends? Should I have my own family right now? Do my kids like me? I wish I could just offer you a big pile of relief and I will … Continued

Positive emotions, growth and your freedom!

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Dr. Susan David This week kicks off my well being series where over the next six weeks I will cover the domains of well being and I invite … Continued

You Might Just Need a Little Alignment

Or you might need a lot! The truth is that we can be way out of alignment on some things, and just a little on others- or we can even feel like we are out of alignment in all areas of our lives. Maybe not surprisingly, the pandemic has caused more people to feel out … Continued