What do you think about yourself? How do you think about yourself?

For this last week of Thinking Month at Kimberly DuBrul Coaching, the focus is on you.

Many of us were taught not to think about ourselves, but to put everyone else first. Many of us, being burned out from people pleasing, have reached the other end of the spectrum where it is all about us. 

Much of the thinking we might do about ourselves circles around what we didn’t do right, could have done better, comparing ourselves to others, critiquing ourselves about our perceived imperfections.

Mostly it is negative. Negative happens for human beings very easily. We don’t have to even try. Thinking positively about ourselves takes effort. You may have been told that thinking about yourself is egotistical.

It is not egotistical when you are willing to notice your good traits, embrace and celebrate them, expand them and use them on purpose. This makes you a better person for the world. You at your best makes the world a better place. It is not selfish to recognize what is good about you. We need to recognize this consistently in order to be our best, feel our best and enjoy life being us- because that is who we are- learn to love it.

What gifts, talents, opportunities, education, challenges taken on, what traits do you have that make you, you? It’s time to write these things down, to see them and to own them. Once you have written them, ask yourself two things and write down your answers:

How am I using these things in my life either on purpose or not?

How can I use them more on purpose in an expansive way?

What else is possible for you? What new challenges would you like to take on? What else would you like to learn and experience? Where is your life stale because you are lacking the opportunity to show yourself that you are capable of more?

I hope you will take some time this week to think about yourself and to answer these questions. Make sure to handwrite and look forward to seeing what insights come out of your pen!

I celebrate you!!