What one or two things do you need to be really good at?  What couple of things do you want to be good at?

Where are you spending time getting better at something that doesn’t hold great interest for you?

Sometimes we try to be everything to everyone and even for ourselves.

AND there are also seasons of life where we do things that we may not love out of necessity. That is life.

2021 taught me this lesson. As things came to a halt, I was able to stop, pause, breathe and look into the rearview mirror. The mirror showed a lot of stuff happening, and not a minute to spare. Not always spending my time on the things that fulfilled me the most. Not spending time contributing in life the way I wanted to.

Now, I write this as a person who believes in the strength of the “range” theory I’ll call it. That is the idea that a person can be a level of good at many of things, a generalist, and add a lot of value. (Read the book Range by David Epstein if you are interested in more.)

When it comes to your time and what you enjoy most, however, go deep and specialize.

What do you want to be known for and remembered for?

Determine what gives you the most value and allows you to give the most value. When you are good at something, it makes it the hardest to let go of, but do you truly love it?

Look at your time to see what you are specializing in and make sure that is what you want to be specializing in. Is it lining up? 

For today, I hope you will specialize in enjoying the holiday season the way only you can do it!

Take some time over the next few days to think about specializing in your life, and how this might play out in 2021.