This week’s blog post is very uncomplicated! 

I have written many times about the importance of getting outside. For us in the northeast US, summer time is a great time to get outside and to see so much beauty surrounding us.

When you get outside and combine it with some kind of meditation, mindfulness or awareness practice you are going to really benefit your health and wellbeing, your mindset, your serenity, even your creativity and problem solving.

This might happen by simply taking a walk. Find a place that uplifts you. You can also sit on your front steps, drive to a park and sit. Anywhere outside that works for you. When sitting, if you feel safe doing so, close your eyes- or focus on something from the natural world. Just sit. Let things come up, notice them and then let them go. This will happen over and over again.

To create mindfulness and awareness you can also sit and notice the sights, smells and sounds around you. It does seem like such a simple thing to do, but not usually easy. People tell me it is hard because they think of all of the things they should be doing. I like to remind them that when they are sitting they ARE doing something! Many things are happening including what I listed above and increasing your capacity to handle things. Even if it is just for a few minutes.

Seeing things as they are is such a powerful practice. Noticing. 

Challenge yourself this week, this weekend, to spend a few minutes or a lot of minutes outside going within.