This time of year brings up a lot of conflicting feelings. I honor what yours are, and you also always have to the opportunity to consider something other than what you think. Like, you can change your mind.
Resolutions. Many people love to hate the work and what they believe it means. To be resolute is to be firm. A resolution is something you are going to be firm and unwavering about. I believe that the reason most people to not stick with their resolutions is that they were not resolute. They had a goal, an idea, a something they thought they would like to achieve, but they didn’t get resolute about it. Too much wiggle room and not enough firmness. Not enough of the mindset “whether I feel like it or not.” Not enough “regardless of conditions.”
How do you get resolute? First, you must get crystal clear about why you want what you want. What is important about it? What will you do to keep going no matter what?
Which leads to the next thing- write out your answers to the above and take a minute first thing every morning to read the goal and the resolution. This is imperative for me to accomplish because…. On days that you want to waver a good question to ask yourself is “Am I willing to give up the outcome I want by not following through on my commitment today?” And “What if I don’t create success on this, what does that mean for me?” And “How important is this goal still? Am I resolute?”
Lastly, each Sunday take time to reflect on your progress for the past week- whatever it has been. Give yourself credit for what you have done, look for ideas on how to do more of that which has gone well and to think about what you would do differently in the next week to create more success.
Put all of this in writing- get a notebook and pen and start hand writing all of these goals, resolutions and thoughts out. Write out your weekly reflection. Give yourself a chance this year. Be resolute! Don’t try to do 10 new things, get resolute with one that leads to good throughout your life.
Whether this time of year feels like starting over, a new beginning, or a continuation of what has already been started, do your best to lift your spirits and pour fresh energy into everything you do.
What is your biggest takeaway from this blog post? What are you willing to take action on starting today? Go to it!