Protect Yourself

This blog post is almost a no brainer at this time, but here it goes anyway! First the obvious- we are living in mentally and emotionally difficult time. Do you notice that some people are truly devastated over recent events while others are not? What is the difference? I don’t have all of the answers, … Continued

The Spamalot Mindset

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 57: If you ever have a chance to see Spamalot-  the Broadway show, or touring version of it, GO!!  I really advocate laughing as an important part of daily life and this show will prompt you to laugh for over 2 hours!  Just fun, silly humor- the kind I like … Continued

A Mindset of Acceptance

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 54: Acceptance:  Favorable reception; approval; favor. I like to make my Sunday post spiritual in nature and this morning at a very early morning church service I heard a word: acceptance.  This is a word that comes up often in the values card deck that I use in coaching sessions … Continued

The Mindset of Competition

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 37: As I get ready to go watch the Vermont State Division I Boys Basketball Championship, I thought I would write a quick post about competition. How you approach it is definitely a mindset.  You developed yours over the years you have been alive, the competitive experiences you yourself have … Continued

Mindset- The Power of One Thought

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 35: As Mindset March continues, I am certainly finding many opportunities to work on keeping my mindset in a strong place!  Funny how the Universe delivers just what you need to fulfill your intentions! When endeavoring to keep a positive, supportive mindset going sometimes it is helpful to think small. … Continued