Rising to the Occasion

100 Day Challenge, Day 7 Rising to the occasion means that you do your best, no matter what, whether you feel like it or not. You follow through because you made a committment to yourself or someone else.   Can you guess why this subject has come up for me today?  It’s Sunday night, I am tired … Continued

Universe on Board

100 Day Challenge, Day 6 I love it when I know the Universe is on board in supporting me in what I am doing!  How do I know when it is?  I realize if I remember to look for signs, I will see them.  It is the same for other support.  If we have the … Continued

Being Silly

Day 5, 100 Day Challenge: The world has us all in a pretty serious mode right now- and with good reason.  It is very easy to forget about lightheartedness and just plain being silly.  How can we waste time being silly, when that might feel so frivolous and time wasting?  How can we not? Being … Continued

Making Decisions

My 100 day challenge, to blog everyday for 100 straight days, has it’s challenges.  One of the biggest obstacles I have encountered with my blog is choosing what to write.  This is an obstacle because I have too many choices and want to pick the perfect topic. This is the reason I decided to take on this … Continued


Inspiration is one of my favorite words- and being inspired is one of my favorite things to be.  When thinking of following through on a difficult challenge, I think inspiration of some sort has to be present in order to be successful.  To me, being inspired means to be up-lifted. It is when that fire … Continued

The Challenge of the Challenge

I am just beginning the 100 day challenge I signed up for- to post something on my blog everyday for 100 days in a row.  You may have also decided to do your own 100 day challenge or to tackle something significant.  I will offer some of my experiences along the way, so that they … Continued

100 Day Challenge

A few weeks ago I was at a meeting at the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts and took a moment to take a look at the many paintings that are currently gracing the walls- an artist by the name of  Steven P. Goodman (spgoodman.com) had painted many small paintings and I was curious, so I decided … Continued