What’s that you said?

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 29: You speak yourself into your reality.  Monitoring your thoughts to stay focussed and positive, that’s one thing, but what comes out of your mouth- whoa!  Watch out. Your brain thinks that your voice is the smartest voice ever.  Supreme ruler of all things known.  So, whatever you speak out loud, … Continued

The Week Ahead

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 28: How are you feeling about the upcoming week?  Do you feel excited about the possibilities that it brings, or does your stomach feel nauseous at the thought of the weekend coming to an end? It is kind of a sad way to spend your week anxious for the weekend … Continued

Art and Inspiration

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 26: This was the kind of night we should all have as often as possible!  Fun, lively conversation, inspiration, beauty and art.  Oh, and let’s not forget the food and drinks!  This South End Art Hop weekend in Burlington, Vermont.  You can view endless varieties of art work by local … Continued


The 100 Day Challenge, Day 25: Just a few words today about frustration and being frustrated.  I have learned from watching myself and from coaching hundreds of clients  that when you are feeling a huge amount of frustration that is the time that you are about to have a huge break through! Unfortunately, what happens more … Continued

Shake things up a little!

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 24: I have been taking a lot of heat,  lately, okay, really it’s been for quite a while about how busy I am.  I am beginning  to realize that it is uncomfortable for some people to watch someone on the go constantly and working on understanding their feelings.  Not everyone is wired … Continued

You Decide

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 23: The kind of day you are having is up to you- great news!  When you plan for the day you want to have and follow your plan everything usually will work out- as planned.  It is when we unconsciously let outside forces determine our day for us, that we … Continued


The 100 Day Challenge, Day 21: As you work toward anything meaningful, being consistent in your actions is the most likely route to get you to your goal.  In my dictionary- Random House Webster’s- the definition of consistency is this:  steadfast adherence to to the same principles, course, form, etc.  To me that means staying … Continued

The Apotheosis

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 20: I like this and want to share it on this beautiful day: The Apotheosis  By Diane Deacon and Mike Vance We all HURT from something, we’re human. We all  LONG for fullfillment, we’re dreamers. We all need HELP along the way, we’re imperfect. We all need a BREAK on … Continued

Imagination, Part 2

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 19: Yesterday I shared about an idea I like  about making some space that uplifts you and supports you in creating and imagining.  This is a great start, but there are things that can still get in your way of your most spectacular imagining. One of these is time- you have to … Continued

Imagination, Part 1

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 18: I have really been pretty lucky with some of the people I have had the opportunity to spend time with!  One of those people is Mike Vance.  You may not recognize his name, but you will want to if you are interested in expanding your thinking.  Mike, along with … Continued